Are you wondering the age-old question that every footwear enthusiast does? Why my shoes are squeaky? Well, you are not alone! Few things are worse than stepping into a silent setting only to have your footwear betray you with their constant squeaking. Squeaky shoes are common. Whether it is because of moisture, movement, or a combination of both, stiff new materials. In this blog, we will discuss various solutions to that annoying squeal. Regardless of whether you wear leather shoes, gym shoes, or even sports shoes, the following procedure will ensure that you walk in peace once again.
Why Are My Shoes Squeaky?
Aren't squeaky shoes the most irritating thing that one can wear? Especially in a serene environment. It can be quite a cringe, and even worse, and more embarrassing since it can draw the attention of others for negative reasons. But the good news is that, once you know what makes shoes squeaky, it is easy to deal with it. Let’s examine some of the underlying reasons for squeaky shoes.
Water: The noise often results from water that cannot escape when you wear the shoe and thus gets trapped inside.
New materials: When you purchase new stylish sneakers, they make a lot of sound due to the new hard plastic parts.
Movement: A squeaking sound may occur when different sections of the shoe, such as the sole and insole, move relative to one another.
Before you decide on how to stop squeaky shoes, it's important to know what’s causing it. And now that we have done that, here are some simple solutions that will help quell the noise.
5 Ways on How to Stop Squeaky Shoes
1. Dry Out Moisture to Stop Squeaky Shoes
When dampness is the problem, one possible solution is to put the shoes in a dry area. To fix squeaky shoes, remove the innersoles and separate them for easier drying. Scrunch some newspaper and fill it inside the shoes to help cushion and dry out any remaining moisture. It is advised to do this for the whole night for effectiveness.
Place the shoes close to the fan or any vents blowing warm air while you wear the shoes. Do not place the shoes inside a heater or dry hot air since this can lead to material damage. This method is great to repair squeaky shoes, particularly those made of leather.
Before reinserting the insole, sprinkle some baby powder or talcum powder inside the shoe to absorb any excess moisture. This minimizes the noise generated when you wear the shoe when it is wet.
2. Speed Up the Break-In Process for New Shoes
Another squeaky shoes fix is to simply speed up. Fresh and unblemished materials of a new pair of shoes can tend to be somewhat noisome. Whether you have squeaky leather boots or squeaky tennis shoes, there is a general rule to follow. The more you wear your shoes, the sooner they will wear out and the shallower they become.
When it comes to leather boots, apply a tiny dab of leather treatment. Do this if you need a quick squeaky boot fix to focus on softening the material of the shoe’s body. Especially the rigid regions. This eliminates the chance of friction producing a sound that can otherwise cause a squeak.
3. Reduce Friction Inside the Shoe
Squeaky shoe noise, or worse, basketball shoe noise, is any athlete's nightmare. This squeaking of shoes typically results from friction. To remedy this situation, you must address the cause of the squeak. One can achieve that by treating the rubbing surfaces between the insole and other components of the shoe.
Pull out the insole and smear a thin coating of Vaseline or coconut oil on its underside. This helps eliminate excessive wear of the insole due to the shoe and other shoe structures.
Baby powder also works well if ‘how to stop squeaky shoes?’ is still in question. Take some powder and put it inside the shoe. This serves to soak up the wetness and hence prevents the squeaking noise. If the sound continues, try applying these solutions to other parts of the shoe. Try to locate the particular spot where friction causes the sound.
4. Condition Leather Shoes to Silence Squeaks
The dry conditions into which you have placed the leather shoes are quite another reason that they can also produce squeaky noises. Use leather protectors and conditioners to soften the leather. This method helps you emit less noise when walking on a hard surface.
Saddle soap is another option. It cleans, conditions, preserves, and protects materials made of leather. Take a damp cloth and put on a pinch of saddle soap.
Rub it on the tongue of the shoe to help with the bite of the laces, which could be causing a squeak.
It is important to use the exact items mentioned. As it’s nearly impossible to find good substitutes that will not spoil the leather. Household oils can, however, badly affect the shoe by staining and spoiling the leather.
5. Wear Socks to Reduce Squeaking
At times, the squeaking is not initiated by the shoe itself but caused by frictional disturbances between your bare feet and the inner lining of a shoe. This comes more often with leather or smooth-lining shoes. This is because bare skin irritates these surfaces and creates a squeaky sound.
The solution for this is wearing socks, which can be no-show or thin ones. Thus, socks help form a layer of protection between the friction caused by your feet and the lining and therefore minimize squeaking or even eliminate it very significantly. In addition to assisting squeaking, this trick keeps the feet much more comfortable. Thus preventing blisters or moisture buildup from happening.
Common Types of Squeaky Shoes and How to Fix Them
Squeaky Gym Shoes
Here's Why Your Gym Shoes Squeak—Wet or Dry Friction? Detachable insoles can cause the squeaking of shoes concerning wet or dry friction on the exterior surface of the shoes. Gym shoes tend to make such noise due to moisture. Even sweat that has collected on the gym shoe seams or particularly on the insole can cause them to squeak. To remedy the situation, apply some powder inside the shoe to reduce moisture content.
Squeaky Boots
As they are new, the leather boots may make some noise because they are not yet soft. To help alleviate the sound, try rubbing the leather with some cream or saddle soap. This will help soften and moisturize the leather. This method is great for making the boots more supple and hence less noisy while walking.
Squeaky Soles
On some occasions, on certain surfaces like the gym floor, the shoes’ soles produce the squeak. For instance, light sanding of the sole with fine sandpaper, usually 220 grit, saves the day. Make sure to do this while discussing squeaky gym shoes or squeaky basketball shoes imported indoors. This generates a small roughness, which aids in minimizing the howling sound.
Squeaky Shoe Insoles
Squeaky soles on shoes are the worst. Whenever the sound emanating from such insoles suggests the problem lies in the insole. First remove the insole and dust the surface beneath it with some powder. This remedy works very well for squeaky shoe inserts. It assures that the insoles do not rub against the liner of the shoe.
What Not to Do When Fixing Squeaky Shoes
While many “quick fixes” exist for squeaky shoes, avoid these common mistakes:
Don’t Use Household Oils: Oils like cooking oil can stain shoes and are especially harmful to leather.
Avoid Direct Heat: Drying leather shoes with a heat source can cause them to lose their natural moisture, leading to brittleness.
Don’t Use Hairspray: Though some people suggest using hairspray to silence shoes, it can leave residue and stain the leather.
Wrapping Up!
Even though squeaky shoes on floor can be annoying, you will be able to rectify most problems using the following suggestions. Consider moisture, friction, and new materials as the main reasons. Find out the cause of the problem and pick a solution suited for your type of shoes.
And for those searching for a pair of quality, non-squeaky shoes, Barismil recently introduced a new range of shoes! Designed using high-end materials, these non-squeaky and lightweight shoes are built to last and let you walk with ease.
Don’t let squeaky shoes disturb your steps anymore and take action with these quick remedies today!
FAQs: Common Questions on How to Stop Squeaky Shoes
How to Fix a Squeaky Dress Shoe?
Clean the insides completely and apply a leather conditioner to the outside. If the problem still exists, try applying baby powder underneath the insole.
How to Fix a Squeaky Shoe Sole?
Sand down the underfoot slightly with fine-grit sandpaper to reduce grip on smooth surfaces. This may also be useful in reducing squeaks from boots and noise created by basketball shoes on shiny floors.
How to Stop Shoe Heel from Making Noise?
Observe the heel to see whether it is intact; if not, use some shoe adhesive. Also, dry the shoe as much as possible because a moist heel collar may produce some unpleasant sounds.
How to Stop Squeaky Leather Shoes?
You can add a leather agent to warm and ease the material. Moreover, using saddle soap around the tongue and laces region can help curb the squeak.
Why Are My Shoes Squeaky?
Shoes normally squeak because of water, friction, or new materials that have not been used. Understanding the source of the noise makes it easier to know what remedy to install.